Friday, September 26, 2008

One little year...

One year ago today (actually in about four hours Eastern Time), my little Laurel Jacques Dominique Tissot was born. My little Lolo. Named after her grandfathers and her deceased uncle. She was 8 lbs. 2 oz. and came out in one push (like shellin' peas as my Grumps always said). Most moms seem so sad when their babies get to this point--a whole year old--but I can only say that I'm so happy for her. SO MANY babies in the world don't ever make it this far. SO MANY babies die of hunger and disease or develop debilitating illnesses or difficult conditions.

My sweet Lolo has lived a whole year, never had an ear infection, only been sick a couple of times, has stayed off the charts in height and weight (fatty!) and has been the light of our lives for twelve months. She has two teeth and has taken two steps (both of them today).

I love her and I celebrate her today!

We didn't have cake. We didn't do presents (dude, she's ONE). We didn't have a party. But I spent the whole day playing with her and snuggling and really appreciating her. Both the other two kids were in school all day so she had me to herself all day (except for the brief moment Papa stopped by to pick up my book--which he mailed off, by the way... *off to go vomit*).

Thanks for indulging me.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful baby with a matching personality :)

Rachel said...

Love those pics! Hope you're feeling better.

Erica said...

Happy Birthday!

By the way, I was scanning the pics and my lil' one saw them and said his first clear 2 syllable word- BABY!

Joelie said...

E... YAY!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Lolo!

Joj--my fingers are crossed for you as your book is sent on it's way. best wishes and sending good vibes!

Wordy T said...

Little Lolo is beautiful. SO glad you got to spend the day celebrating her.