So, Tuesday, the dude with the luggage finally tells me that he's coming at 2pm. I try to fight it a little until I realize that meeting him in the middle somewhere is only going to take away from my free morning time. By then it's ten. So, I call my breakfast date and say, frantically, as USUAL, "Let's go!" We find a Denny's that's about half way and we high tail over there. By the time we get seated and settled we have about 45 minutes. This is after having planned a four-hour morning getogether. It always seems to happen this way with us.
We spend our "morning" eating piles of junk breakfast food: eggs over-easy, double bacon, hash browns, pancakes and grits with cheese! And we talk about farms (cuz it turns out, Miss Breakfast Date is as obsessed as I am about having her own instructional farm/B&B!!! I invited her to move onto mine, but she has her own, pretty developed plans for Oregon and Raw Foods. But still, it's nice to have a fellow.
After I left her, I came back to my sister's side of town and went to Goodwill in search of pants for Ryan. But guess what? It's winter in Houston right now (and actually pretty chilly) so, peeps aren't donating their jeans yet. I got a couple of sweaters for myself and headed back to my sis' because I was exHAUSted.
While reading/writing a few emails, the luggage guy showed up and with that done, I passed out, relieved to finally have closure on that front. But about an hour into my nap, my mom called. I was SO out of it, I didn't know where the hell I was or what I was doing, why I was here, what the hell that noise was. And then, she was like, "What are you doing sleeping in the middle of the day?" I said, "I have a parasite in my uterus." She said, "Oh, I have to go, the doctor's calling me in."
I hung up and started to fall back asleep thinking I had dreamed it until she called back again, "What? You have a parasite in your EARS?"
"No, my uterus!"
She laughed. "Oh, the doctor's here, I gotta go."
I decided to get up cuz the whole thing made me question whether or not I was in some sort of parallel reality or something.
I got ahold of Chris Boudreaux and asked him if he'd like to go out and have some vegetables with me and it turned out he needed to detox a bunch of bad food, too. So, we headed to my favorite grazing place in Houston, Sweet Tomatoes! Oh, the nostalgia! I usually try to slow down and really EXPERIENCE "the Tomato" but was so excited to finally be hooked up with Boudy again that I couldn't concentrate on really soaking up the food experience. Really, I suspect, that part of it was because the food really isn't as good as I thought it was in my memory. I think my body misses home. (I really do seem to smell more and even sweat more... I still haven't figured out if it's the change in diet or the pregnancy hormones manifesting themselves OR maybe a combo.)
Anyway, Boudy and I had a great conversation. So distracted was I by our awesome connection that I barely even noticed my food. I mean, I ate it but like I said, i didn't really EXPERIENCE it. We talked about teaching ESL and about writing and farming and blah blah blah. As usual, I monopolized the conversation, but I can't seem to help it when I'm around him... He just seems to give me so much energy. I sort of feel like he's some kind of soul sibling or something. I mean, usually, in emails or on the phone, I feel like I'm a little yippy dog saying, "Hey! Hey! Hang out with me!" (and maybe he feels like I'm like that, too) but when we actually get together in person, I feel really connected to him. He reminds me of writing. Of gut-good writing. I remember reading his stuff and really feeling transported. Okay, I'm starting to gush and that's just silly. But ANYWAY, the connection was really good for me.
Afterwards, I met up with Miss Breakfast Date again to have a dessert and to finish our conversation. By the time I got home, I felt like I was going to have to hold my eye lids open with toothpicks or something. And I don't have the gate key to sister's apt. complex, so I just sat there in front of the gate, pretending to talk on the phone waiting to tailgate a car who DID have the key. I didn't even have Augusten to keep me company.
Then yesterday, I had a blast shopping. I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and actually found both the pressure canner and the canning funnel I wanted so badly. Then I went to Terrrrget and bought some pants for Ryan. Went to Payless and got six pairs of shoes for less than a hundred bux. I rushed back downtown and picked sister up and ran out to the east side of town to grab my great-grandma and haul us all off to lunch. She treated us to all-you-can-eat catfish at Sudie's (and all I can eat is probably the equivalent of a normal order of catfish and I always feel like I've wasted her money and why don't I ever just learn to ORDER a plate of catfish instead of assume that I'm going to eat a bucket full?). We went back to her place to look at pix of the kids and talk about eating pecan pie she had made for us (but we were so full we just took it home).
When we got back to sister's apt., we played "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?" and apparently I am. That's good news.
We then went to the pasta party organized by my marathon training club. The guest speaker was the AWESOME Jeff Galloway who totally re-inspired me and made me think that yes, I CAN do this half marathon in my condition without dying though it may be my last for a year or so. He was just AWESOME!!!! And, everywhere I went, all my old runnin' peeps were like, "You look SO GOOD!!!" which made me feel gorgeous--which I needed because I've put back on about 10 pounds in the past couple of weeks (4 or so since I've been here and eating out for nearly every meal and barely moving more than to get up to go pee).
I know these past few paragraphs sound like one big run-on sentence (maybe they are) but I'm rushing through the account so I can get ready to go breakfast with another friend. A friend I call my Oracle. I'll tell you all about it later. And dinner tonight is with The Lesbians and their daughter. You'll have to wait until tomorrow for that (although tomorrow is just as busy, so we'll see).
Off to hose down the pits.
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago
1 comment:
Wow, Miss Breakfast Date is the most boring friend you have. :) She also just turned 39 and is feeling pretty boring, so it was good to find out it's true. I hope I was exciting in another life...maybe the one in which I was eaten by a shark...oh wait, was I a seal in that life? hehehe
Thinkin' of you. Done reading the blog for tonight. Enjoyed our dates both. =)
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